Soluzioni Cross-Border


You negotiate centrally and we implement locally


Thanks to our wide international network and the experience gained in the territory, we propose two structured solutions to those multinationals looking for a coordinated factoring solution in various countries: Multi-local and Pan European.



Our Multi-local approach was designed to support companies with branches abroad. The product allows the parent company to centralise and coordinate transactions in various countries, while the service is provided locally by a company of the BNP Paribas Factoring Group.

By relying on our Multi-local solution through a dedicated organisation, Multinationals operating in countries covered by our Group may: optimise working capital, monitor the international credit risk, speed up the payment terms in various countries, outsource of the international credit process.


Centralised management: a global managerial manager is appointed to coordinate the entire programme and facilitate the communication flow.

Single point of contact in each country: a relationship manager is appointed to provide his/her experience on the local trade practises, local commercial and cultural aspects.

Customised offer: adaptation to local contexts for the various branches.

Standardised credit management: a common report and on-line tools to facilitate accounting management in various countries.



The Pan-European solution is ideal for multinational companies with a structured and centralised organisation that want to support their foreign branches. The Pan-European product features a single contract that guarantees the factoring service, provided by IFITALIA, in several countries.


  • A single contractual structure
  • Centralised communication and processes
  • Centralised credit decisions and credit management uniformity
  • A single IT system, report uniformity.
Think global, act locally

Pan- european solution

Nov 23, 2017, 15:02 PM
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The Pan-European solution is ideal for multinational companies that want to support their foreign branches with a centralized factoring service provided by IFITALIA.